Spreading Islam Academy
Free Online Academy.
Learn about  Islam, it's free. Free from sectarianism.
#SIA #SpreadingIslamAcademy
To earn the eternal pleasure of Allah the All-Mighty by striving with excellence to pursue the vision of the final Messenger.

••••► Our core values ●

➲ Sincerity and fear of Allah.
➲ Integrity & trust.
➲ Dedication and passion.
➲ Discipline, ownership and leadership.
➲ Brotherhood and compassion.
➲ Commitment to excellence and winning.

••••► Mission ●

■ Increase the Islamic knowledge of the Muslims and make them practicing.

■ Unite the Muslim Ummah under the shade of Tawheed.

■ To make the word of ALLAH supreme.

■ Remove Shirk and Biddah from the Muslim Ummah.

■ Remove all the Misconception about Islam.

■ Remind people of the purpose of their existence.

■ Help people to live "a Good life" through the Principles of faitheology and good deeds.

■ Educate Muslims of the proper Islamic theology and methodology which serve as bulwark against terrorism, extremism, misconception and antipathy.

■ Share Islamic truths with the people so they know Islam as it is, not as the ignorant forces portray it.

■ Call to the path of Allaah with wisdom and good advice.

■ Build bridges of communication and understanding with other faiths.

■ Provide services and products that Muslims need.

We will add full description of our Mission Soon.. InshaAllaah

••••► Finally ❀❀

Allah has promised those who believe amongst you and do righteous deeds, that He will of a surety give them power and authority in the World as He had given to those before them and that He will establish this religion of theirs which He has desired for them and that He will change their situation of fear into one of safety. That they worship Me and not associate anyone in partners with Me; and who so ever disbelieves, then indeed he is a rogue transgressor. [AnNur: 55]

❝ Easing of the path to paradise is based upon making the effort, not upon attainment of the result.❞
Company Overview
Spreading islam is a frequently updated resource of authentic Islamic materials, featuring hundreds of articles, audio lectures, books, videos, and Quranic recitations. It promotes Islamic Da’wah - the proper presentation, understanding and appreciation of Islam, as well as removing misconceptions about Islam - amongst less aware Muslims and non-Muslims. It is a place for Muslims and Non-Muslims to learn and discuss about Islam.

••••► Be a part of Spreading Islam Mission to spread the true message of Islam by staying active everyday on the page's Posts and sharing it with your friends and family. Also, click "Like" and "Comment" on the posts so your friends see it often. ❤
Alhamdulillaahi was salatu was salamu ala Sayyidina Muhammad wa ‘ala alihi wa ashabihee was salam tasleeman katheeraa…

Inna al-hamda Lillaahi, Nasta’eenahu wa nastaghfiruhu, wa na’oodhu bihi min shuroori anfusinaa wa sayi’aati a’maalinaa. Man yahdih Illaahu falaa mudilla lahu wa man yudlil falaa haadiya lahu. Wa ashhadu an laa ilaaha ill-Allaah wa ashhadu anna Muhammadan ‘abduhu wa rasooluhu

Verily, all Praise be to Allāāh, we seek His help and His forgiveness. We seek refuge with Him from the evil of our own souls and from our bad deeds. Whomsoever Allāāh guides will never be led astray, and whomsoever Allāāh leaves astray, no one can guide. I bear witness that there is NO god but Allāāh, and I bear witness that Muhammad is His slave and Messenger [صلى الله عليه وسلم].

➲ Spreading Islam is not associated with any particular sect or denomination, political groups or organization and its entity is subjectively non-political, and it's objective is merely based upon the principles to promote love for the Creator firstly and foremost, and strive to establish e-peace, e-love, e-harmony and build the bridge of e-understanding and e-friendliness amongst many, to remove the misconception about Islam and at the same time erase the gap of hatred between Muslims and peace-loving non-Muslims. It firmly stands against violence and hatred that results in sheer phobias in general and it has zero-tolerance on cruelty, barbarism, injustice and oppression.

➲ Indeed, we administrators of Spreading Islam are a handful from amongst the Ummah of Muhammad (sallallahu ‘alayhi wassallam) that follow Allāāh Ajwa Jal, His Messengers, and the Salaf as-Saalih (first 3 generations of Islaam) in ‘Aqeedah, Guidance, Knowledge, and Action (insha’Allaah). We are of the Ahl as-Sunnah wal Jama’ah.

➲ We take our knowledge from the scholars of Haqq and we reject the Ba’atil Scholars of Dollars.

➲ We emphasise on Tawheed (Islamic Monotheism) and all of its implications, as well as confronting all types of Shirk; especially the contemporary [forms of] Shirk, with its Kufr manifestations.

➲ We also hold fast to the middle path, the path of the earliest people of this Ummah, without inclination from the way of the Believers towards extremism or negligence.

➲ We absolutely condemn in the strongest terms terrorism and any extremism done in the name of Islam and we refuse to associate ourselves with those who practice and condone such behavior and thoughts.

➲ ILoveAllaah.com aims in spreading Islamic knowledge all over the world for free without any commercial aims. And this is the least that we can do to present Islam.

May Allaah accept us, our Vows and Allegiance and Da’wah efforts and help us to fulfill all our dreams and mission! Ameen.

Akulu Qawli hajaa wastagfirullaha ajeemo ala walikoom fastagfiroo innahu huwal Gafurur Rahim!

Wassallahu ala Sayyidina Muhammad wa ala alihi was Sahbihi wa Salleem

Wassalamualikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuhu!
Spreading Islam is not associated with any particular sect or denomination, political groups or organization and its entity is subjectively non-political, and it's objective is merely based upon the principles to promote love for the Creator firstly and foremost, and strive to establish e-peace, e-love, e-harmony and build the bridge of e-understanding and e-friendliness amongst many, to remove the misconception about Islam and at the same time erase the gap of hatred between Muslims and peace-loving non-Muslims. It firmly stands against violence and hatred that results in sheer phobias in general and it has zero-tolerance on cruelty, barbarism, injustice and oppression.


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الفيسبوك: SpreadingIslamAcademy

البريد الإلكتروني: spreadingislamacademy@gmail.com

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